Join Troop 197

From SuperTroop 197
Revision as of 08:23, 25 February 2021 by Rdk (talk | contribs)

Joining Troop 197 is easy!

Any boy can join Troop 197 if he has any of the following:

  1. Earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10-years old.
  2. Have completed the 5th grade and is at least 10-years old.
  3. Is at least 11-years old.

Any boy or girl can join Venture Crew 197 if he/she has any of the following:

  1. Is at least 14-years old.
  2. Have completed the 8th grade and is at least 13-years old.

To join, simply come to any of our Sunday meetings and fill out the following forms:

  1. BSA New Scout application (Alternatively, apply online via Be A Scout)
  2. Troop 197 Family Info form (scan and email
  3. Troop 197 Camping Permission form (2020-2021) (scan and email
  4. BSA Medical Form (scan and email

Cost for joining/renewing in the Fall is $200 (for full year) while joining in the Winter/Spring costs $100. See Pay Troop 197 for information on how to pay Troop 197

Are you an Adult Wishing to Volunteer?

  1. Simply fill out and submit this BSA adult leader application form.
  2. Take the BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT) online.
  3. Please note that you do not need to fill out and submit this form to attend campouts.
  4. However, parents, we highly recommend you take the Youth Protection Training.
  5. Adult leadership training requirements can be found here.

Want to more about the transition from Cubs to Boy Scouts? Read this article.

Troop 197 will hold a virtual parent meeting, Sunday August 23rd, 3:00pm, 2020. At that meeting, we will talk more about Scouting and review the upcoming program for the 2020-2021 school year. We will answer questions and introduce our youth leadership. We expect to start back with in-person meetings after Labor Day.

See this page for Westminster COVID-19 policies and procedures.