From SuperTroop 197

Frequently Asked Questions


The registration fee is $200 for each Scout per school year. (Financial arrangements are available.) This fee pays for registration and insurance with BSA, all badges and awards, a year's subscription to Boy's Life, and use of troop equipment. The troop does not pay for food or personal camping equipment; e.g., pack, sleeping bag, personal mess kit, etc. The troop supplies a neckerchief and slide, but not the uniform or handbook. (NOTE: also See Camping Policies section below)


This is your Super Troop. Our troop is run entirely by volunteers (like you ). It takes a lot of work to keep our troop operating smoothly. The troop committee chairman, working closely with the scoutmasters, knows what is needed. Please volunteer your services to him - he appreciates it ! He will ask for your help - offer your time and energies. If our parents don't do it, it will not get done.



All Scouts should participate in both of these areas of Scouting. It is our experience that Scouts who work only on rank advancement without going on the outdoor activities, quickly lose interest and drop out. The reverse is also true. Please encourage your Scout in both parts of Scouting.


Dads and Moms, make plans to go on at least one trip this year with the Troop. If you are to be a driver, you are asked to spend the night and go on the entire trip. You will be part of the adult patrol, known as the Skunk Patrol, which camps, cooks, and cleans up as a patrol. You are encouraged to help scouts with skills and advice. Please DO NOT "take over" patrol leadership. The patrol leader is primed to do a good job, and you may give him quiet, tactful help, but please remember that this is his chance to learn about leadership. If you find a situation has gotten out of hand, please quietly inform the adult leadership.

There are many reasons to attend a campout. You are demonstrating your interest in your son's scouting life. You get to know and support the troop leadership. You get to see the Super Troop in action. Finally, you are there in the event of an emergency. Relax, smile, and enjoy yourself. Be sure to read over Super Troop's camping policies carefully.


No such thing in Super Troop! We camp regardless of the weather and there will be bad weather campouts, but this is half the fun of camping. Our more experienced members will teach all Scouts how to care for themselves. While a weekend may possibly be uncomfortable, your son will be well taken care of.


Please do not bring sheath knives, hatchets, axes, liquid fuel equipment (unless approved by leadership), personal electronic gear, junk food (including, but not limited to 2 liter or 6-pack colas), foul language, abusive behavior, inappropriate publications, firearms. alcohol. tobacco. or illegal drugs.


Super Troop uses the Patrol Method which gives Scouts experience in group living and team building. It places a certain amount of responsibility on them and teaches the Scouts how to accept it through various patrol functions. The patrol leader has a BIG responsibility. His patrol meetings are important, so when he calls to ask for your help, please answer with your support.

World Wide Web

Our web site can be viewed by going to www.supertroop197.com. Currently, the site contains information about activities, campouts, patrols, leadership, and general information. It is updated often so scouts can learn about merit badge clinics, campouts, and meeting information. Also, troop members and family receive emails from the patrol leaders and coordinators. Email is the easiest way of sending information to scouts and their families.


Scouts wear their Standard uniform (not including hat or neckerchief) to all troop meetings & to and from Summer Camp. Super Troop asks your help in adhering to this policy without exception. Proper uniform and being on time are symbols of your personal commitment to troop responsibility. It is your choice to be a part of the brotherhood and aims of Scouting. Therefore, wear the uniform proudly and mark it carefully (they all look alike). A Scout cannot receive advancement or go before a board of review if he is not in uniform. Scouts wear their formal Class "A" uniform (including neckerchief, scout socks, and dark shoes) to district and special events and other formal functions like a Scoutmaster Conference, Board of Review, or a Court of Honor. Scouts wear a khaki "Class B" troop 197 Tee-shirt when they arrive to go on a campout, and also during the week at a Summer Camp.


Please mark your book carefully and bring it to all troop meetings and campouts. Parents and Scouts need to read it completely. It is nearly the complete resource for the program end of Scouting. It will hold your Scout's record of advancement. These records are updated regularly into the troop's computerized files provided the book has been signed by the Scoutmaster before the Scout starts work on the merit badge. The merit badge buddy system is required (please refer to the BSA Requirements Book). Merit Badge Counselors are approved solely by the Scoutmaster and only after the counselor has been registered with BSA and his or her credentials appropriate to the specific badge to be taught have been certified.


BSA Summer Camps are a very important component of the program offered at Super Troop 197. For a Scout to be successful in establishing and reaching his goals in the program, he should absolutely expect to attend at least one of BSA Summer Camp sessions for the first three years he is in the troop. There are several reasons for this: 1) this is the best place to earn merit badges at a quality level of instruction and in a quantity and time frame not to be duplicated elsewhere; 2) there are many merit badges that are nearly impossible to earn except at a BSA Summer Camp; 3) this is our troop's training ground for senior leadership positions (e.g. most troop leadership requirements begin to be met during a week of summer camp); and, most importantly, 4) this is where the fun, citizenship, self-confidence, and character development which under gird the entire program offerings of Super Troop are established first among all the relationships the Scout will build in his journey. In order to experience success in the New Scout Program, it is nearly imperative that the first year Scout attend at least one session of BSA Summer Camp during his first year in Super Troop.


The uniformed adult leadership's responsibility is to deliver a program which, in turn, delivers the Promise which is outlined in the troop's Mission Statement and is consistent with BSA national policy. The uniformed adult leaders serve the Scouts only and at the pleasure of the Troop Committee. The Troop Committee provides the resources necessary for the uniformed adult leadership to deliver the Promise. The Troop Committee serves the uniformed adult leadership only and at the pleasure of the parents. Scout spirit and other positive encouragement should be offered by the parents to not only their own sons but to all the Scouts in Super Troop. The key word here is "encouragement". The steps in the journey and the decisions underlying those steps are the province of the Scouts themselves and should not be weakened or otherwise undermined by co-ownership no matter how well intentioned. The Promise is only realized when accepted by the Scout himself.